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in Crash by (180 points)

When launching the game and entering the options menu, upon trying to exit the game crashes. It doesn't produce an error.log, and it doesn't allow time for the user to screenshot what went wrong with the game.

Crash Log Video

1 Answer

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by (28.0k points)

Thanks for the video. I see that the issue might be related to the options settings.
Can you open the file Data/configs/game_options_config.json

And tell us if that looks exactly like this:


If it doesn't, send us the content, I believe that if you use the same content as I provided it should no longer crash but I'm not sure.

Btw, you really did not get an Error.log file?

by (180 points)
this is what i am presented with in game_options_config.json


I am going to remove the language option since that seems to be what might be causing it looking at the code snippet you have provided.
And yes, it didn't generate and Error.log file anywhere in my root folder or any location that would seem reasonable to have it.
by (180 points)
Doesn't crash with "language" removed, it added the language option even though I have English as the only supported language.
by (28.0k points)
Does it add the language options every time ?
(You indeed don't need it)