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in Bug by (550 points)
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I was trying to edit one of my new Pokémon, but once I finished writing its name, description, etc, I can't exit this tab. I've tried clicking outside, pressing enter, escape...

Edit: Solved. The db symbol of the pokémon had a dash. I repaced it for a lower dash and now works like a charm.

Image of the tab I can't exit

closed with the note: Solved!

1 Answer

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by (28.0k points)

We have difficulties reproducing this bug. Are you able to reproduce this 100% of the time? If so can you give us exactly all the step and what you write to end up in that nasty situation?

(Even pressing ESC doesn't work?)
by (550 points)
Just fixed it, but thank you! The problem was the db symbol having a dash, so I took Kommo-o as an example and saw its db symbol had a lower dash "_"
by (28.0k points)
Oh, thanks for the info :D