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in Crash by (180 points)
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I made a trainer with the id of 280 and classed it as Rival, when I use the given setup for a trainer battle the game crashes, but when i use it on the exact same event with the original trainer id it works. I'm unsure as to why it is so.

This issue also does not present me with an Error.log, it proceeds to simply just crash the game.
closed with the note: Fixed on the next PSDK update

1 Answer

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by (180 points)
I found the answer by looking at the thread on items with trainers crashing the game, it seems I had missed this and upon reinspection and removing the items has solved my issue.
by (17.1k points)
It should be fixed on our side, it's a PSDK problem not a Studio one, we'll push an update soon! :)