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in Crash by (540 points)
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When catching a Pokémon or defeating a Pokémon it seems to crash the game if you have a level one on the team. They produce the same error:

================================Erreur de script================================

Message :

min argument must be smaller than max argument

Type : ArgumentError

Script : 01600 Alpha 25 Battle Engine/00001 Battle_Scene/00001 BattleUI/00500 ExpDistribution.rb (PSDK)

Ligne : 99

Date : 27/07/2022 12:54:16

Game Version : 1

Logiciel : Pokémon SDK 26.1


[30] : 01600 Alpha 25 Battle Engine/00001 Battle_Scene/00001 BattleUI/00500 ExpDistribution.rb (PSDK) | ligne 99 clamp

[29] : 01600 Alpha 25 Battle Engine/00001 Battle_Scene/00001 BattleUI/00500 ExpDistribution.rb (PSDK) | ligne 99 create_exp_animation_for

[28] : 01600 Alpha 25 Battle Engine/00001 Battle_Scene/00001 BattleUI/00500 ExpDistribution.rb (PSDK) | ligne 36 start_animation

[27] : 01600 Alpha 25 Battle Engine/00001 Battle_Scene/00001 BattleUI/00500 ExpDistribution.rb (PSDK) | ligne 35 each

[26] : 01600 Alpha 25 Battle Engine/00001 Battle_Scene/00001 BattleUI/00500 ExpDistribution.rb (PSDK) | ligne 35 map

[25] : 01600 Alpha 25 Battle Engine/00001 Battle_Scene/00001 BattleUI/00500 ExpDistribution.rb (PSDK) | ligne 35 start_animation

[24] : 01600 Alpha 25 Battle Engine/00002 Battle_Visual/00206 Show_stuff.rb (PSDK) | ligne 128 show_exp_distribution

[23] : 01600 Alpha 25 Battle Engine/00002 Battle_Visual/00200 Visual.rb (PSDK) | ligne 100 lock

[22] : 01600 Alpha 25 Battle Engine/00002 Battle_Visual/00206 Show_stuff.rb (PSDK) | ligne 125 show_exp_distribution

[21] : 01600 Alpha 25 Battle Engine/00200 Battle_Logic/00104 end of battle phase & switch choice.rb (PSDK) | ligne 29 battle_phase_exp

[20] : 01600 Alpha 25 Battle Engine/00200 Battle_Logic/00001 Handlers/01011 BattleEndHandler.rb (PSDK) | ligne 160 <class:Logic>

[19] : 01600 Alpha 25 Battle Engine/00200 Battle_Logic/00001 Handlers/01011 BattleEndHandler.rb (PSDK) | ligne 83 register

[18] : 00010 Hooks.rb (PSDK) | ligne 57 instance_exec

[17] : 00010 Hooks.rb (PSDK) | ligne 57 exec_hooks

[16] : 00010 Hooks.rb (PSDK) | ligne 55 each

[15] : 00010 Hooks.rb (PSDK) | ligne 55 exec_hooks

[14] : 01600 Alpha 25 Battle Engine/00200 Battle_Logic/00001 Handlers/01011 BattleEndHandler.rb (PSDK) | ligne 13 process

[13] : 01600 Alpha 25 Battle Engine/00001 Battle_Scene/00103 Scene Battle Phase.rb (PSDK) | ligne 38 battle_end

[12] : 01600 Alpha 25 Battle Engine/00001 Battle_Scene/00100 Scene.rb (PSDK) | ligne 83 next_update_process

[11] : 01600 Alpha 25 Battle Engine/00001 Battle_Scene/00100 Scene.rb (PSDK) | ligne 73 update

[10] : 01450 Systems/00000 General/00003 GamePlay__Base/00000 GamePlay__Base.rb (PSDK) | ligne 260 main_process

[9] : 01450 Systems/00000 General/00003 GamePlay__Base/00000 GamePlay__Base.rb (PSDK) | ligne 153 main

[8] : tools/GameLoader/Z_main.rb (PSDK) | ligne 17 <top (required)>

[7] : tools/GameLoader/3_load_extensions.rb (PSDK) | ligne 54 rgss_main

[6] : tools/GameLoader/50_load_game_uncompiled.rb (PSDK) | ligne 45 <top (required)>

[5] : ScriptLoad.rb (PSDK) | ligne 189 require

[4] : ScriptLoad.rb (PSDK) | ligne 189 load_tool

[3] : tools/GameLoader/Z_load_uncompiled.rb (PSDK) | ligne 14 <top (required)>

[2] : ScriptLoad.rb (PSDK) | ligne 189 require

[1] : ScriptLoad.rb (PSDK) | ligne 189 load_tool

[0] : Game.rb (RMXP) | ligne 11 <main>

===================================Fin du log===================================

I've tested it with my scripts turned off, and the same issue happens unless the mon is level 2 or higher. Here is an album of gifs for an example

closed with the note: Solved: will be fixed for .26.3

1 Answer

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by (28.0k points)
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Best answer
Parabolic exp curve (medium slow) suck dicks.

Here's the fix: