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0 like 0 dislike
in Crash by (550 points)
closed by
Hello. I'm trying to see my Pokémon data from the summary and I'm getting the following error. It happens when trying to see the Pokémon data in battle too:

================================Erreur de script================================

Message :

undefined method `%' for :fairy:Symbol

Type : NoMethodError

Script : 00700 Ajout_PSDK/00500 SpriteSheet.rb (PSDK)

Ligne : 49

Date : 01/08/2022 13:58:41

Game Version : 256

Logiciel : Pokémon SDK 26.2


[50] : 00700 Ajout_PSDK/00500 SpriteSheet.rb (PSDK) | ligne 49 sy=

[49] : 00500 HelperSprites.rb (user) | ligne 20 data=

[48] : 01450 Systems/00000 General/00100 UI Generics/00100 SpriteStack.rb (PSDK) | ligne 270 data=

[47] : 01450 Systems/00000 General/00100 UI Generics/00100 SpriteStack.rb (PSDK) | ligne 269 each

[46] : 01450 Systems/00000 General/00100 UI Generics/00100 SpriteStack.rb (PSDK) | ligne 269 data=

[45] : 00102 Party/00002 UI/00100 Summary_Top.rb (user) | ligne 44 data=

[44] : 00102 Party/00003 GamePlay/00200 Summary.rb (user) | ligne 96 update_pokemon

[43] : 00102 Party/00003 GamePlay/00200 Summary.rb (user) | ligne 53 create_graphics

[42] : 01450 Systems/00000 General/00003 GamePlay__Base/00000 GamePlay__Base.rb (PSDK) | ligne 251 main_begin

[41] : 01450 Systems/00000 General/00003 GamePlay__Base/00000 GamePlay__Base.rb (PSDK) | ligne 152 main

[40] : 01450 Systems/00000 General/00003 GamePlay__Base/00000 GamePlay__Base.rb (PSDK) | ligne 190 call_scene

[39] : 00102 Party/00003 GamePlay/00102 Party_Menu Choice & Process.rb (user) | ligne 126 launch_summary

[38] : 01450 Systems/00000 General/00001 PFM/00200 Helpers/00200 Choice_Helper.rb (PSDK) | ligne 134 call

[37] : 01450 Systems/00000 General/00001 PFM/00200 Helpers/00200 Choice_Helper.rb (PSDK) | ligne 134 call_validate_handle

[36] : 01450 Systems/00000 General/00001 PFM/00200 Helpers/00200 Choice_Helper.rb (PSDK) | ligne 67 display_choice

[35] : 00102 Party/00003 GamePlay/00102 Party_Menu Choice & Process.rb (user) | ligne 57 show_menu_mode_choice

[34] : 00102 Party/00003 GamePlay/00102 Party_Menu Choice & Process.rb (user) | ligne 17 show_choice

[33] : 00102 Party/00003 GamePlay/00101 Party_Menu Input.rb (user) | ligne 33 action_A_menu

[32] : 00102 Party/00003 GamePlay/00101 Party_Menu Input.rb (user) | ligne 10 action_A

[31] : 00102 Party/00003 GamePlay/00100 Party_Menu.rb (user) | ligne 73 update_inputs

[30] : 01450 Systems/00000 General/00003 GamePlay__Base/00000 GamePlay__Base.rb (PSDK) | ligne 468 update

[29] : 01450 Systems/00000 General/00003 GamePlay__Base/00000 GamePlay__Base.rb (PSDK) | ligne 504 update

[28] : 01450 Systems/00000 General/00003 GamePlay__Base/00000 GamePlay__Base.rb (PSDK) | ligne 260 main_process

[27] : 01450 Systems/00000 General/00003 GamePlay__Base/00000 GamePlay__Base.rb (PSDK) | ligne 153 main

[26] : 01450 Systems/00000 General/00003 GamePlay__Base/00000 GamePlay__Base.rb (PSDK) | ligne 190 call_scene

[25] : 01450 Systems/00000 General/00100 GamePlay.rb (PSDK) | ligne 124 open_party_menu

[24] : 00100 Menu/00003 GamePlay/00100 Menu.rb (user) | ligne 210 open_party

[23] : 00100 Menu/00003 GamePlay/00100 Menu.rb (user) | ligne 200 action

[22] : 00100 Menu/00003 GamePlay/00100 Menu.rb (user) | ligne 51 update_inputs

[21] : 01450 Systems/00000 General/00003 GamePlay__Base/00000 GamePlay__Base.rb (PSDK) | ligne 468 update

[20] : 01450 Systems/00000 General/00003 GamePlay__Base/00000 GamePlay__Base.rb (PSDK) | ligne 504 update

[19] : 01450 Systems/00000 General/00003 GamePlay__Base/00000 GamePlay__Base.rb (PSDK) | ligne 260 main_process

[18] : 01450 Systems/00000 General/00003 GamePlay__Base/00000 GamePlay__Base.rb (PSDK) | ligne 153 main

[17] : 01450 Systems/00000 General/00003 GamePlay__Base/00000 GamePlay__Base.rb (PSDK) | ligne 190 call_scene

[16] : 01450 Systems/00000 General/00100 GamePlay.rb (PSDK) | ligne 23 open_menu

[15] : 01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00003 GamePlay/00201 Scene_Map calling.rb (PSDK) | ligne 147 call_menu

[14] : 01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00003 GamePlay/00201 Scene_Map calling.rb (PSDK) | ligne 70 update_scene_calling

[13] : 01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00003 GamePlay/00201 Scene_Map calling.rb (PSDK) | ligne 68 each

[12] : 01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00003 GamePlay/00201 Scene_Map calling.rb (PSDK) | ligne 68 update_scene_calling

[11] : 01450 Systems/00003 Map Engine/00003 GamePlay/00200 Scene_Map.rb (PSDK) | ligne 27 update

[10] : 01450 Systems/00000 General/00003 GamePlay__Base/00000 GamePlay__Base.rb (PSDK) | ligne 260 main_process

[9] : 01450 Systems/00000 General/00003 GamePlay__Base/00000 GamePlay__Base.rb (PSDK) | ligne 153 main

[8] : tools/GameLoader/Z_main.rb (PSDK) | ligne 17 <top (required)>

[7] : tools/GameLoader/3_load_extensions.rb (PSDK) | ligne 54 rgss_main

[6] : tools/GameLoader/50_load_game_uncompiled.rb (PSDK) | ligne 45 <top (required)>

[5] : ScriptLoad.rb (PSDK) | ligne 189 require

[4] : ScriptLoad.rb (PSDK) | ligne 189 load_tool

[3] : tools/GameLoader/Z_load_uncompiled.rb (PSDK) | ligne 14 <top (required)>

[2] : ScriptLoad.rb (PSDK) | ligne 189 require

[1] : ScriptLoad.rb (PSDK) | ligne 189 load_tool

[0] : Game.rb (RMXP) | ligne 11 <main>

===================================Fin du log===================================
closed with the note: Solved

1 Answer

0 like 0 dislike
by (28.0k points)
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Best answer


In studio we changed the data, now type uses db_symbol to identify themself outside of the battle engine.

Please update your script according to that ones: 

00500 HelperSprites.rb

00100 Summary_Top.rb

by (550 points)
It works like a charm now. Thank you again!