I added this script to add more message box, but it's not appearing in game for some reason.
module Configs
class Window
# All message frames with their names
# @return [Hash<Symbol => String>]
attr_accessor :message_frames
# All the window builder
# @return [Hash<Symbol => Array>]
attr_accessor :builders
def initialize
@message_frames = {
message: 'X/Y',
m_1: 'HaveGold',
m_2: 'Silver',
m_3: 'Red',
m_4: 'Blue',
m_5: 'Green',
m_6: 'Orange',
m_7: 'Purple',
m_8: 'Heart Gold',
m_9: 'Soul Silver',
m_10: 'Rocket',
m_11: 'Blue Indus',
m_12: 'Red Indus',
m_13: 'Swamp',
m_14: 'Safari',
m_15: 'Brick',
m_16: 'Sea',
m_17: 'River',
m_18: 'B/W',
m_19: 'Test1',
m_20: 'Test2',
m_21: 'Test3',
m_22: 'Test4',
m_23: 'Test5'
@builders = {
generic: [16, 16, 8, 8, 16, 8],
message_box: [124, 7, 8, 8, 16, 8]