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in Script help by (160 points)
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Ok so I'm fairly new to PSDK development, so system tags confuse me. So I'm configuring a custom tile set, and would like to know how to define certain tiles as water, tall grass, cave ground, etc.
closed with the note: Question Answered

1 Answer

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by (28.0k points)
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Best answer

You need to open the system tag editor.

To do so, double click on the file called cmd in your game folder. The write psdk --tags this will open an editor allowing you to define the system tags.

Each system tag has a specific effect, the one you mentioned is for encounter (that you configured in Studio). You just need to place them on the tileset and save so this will apply to the next time you start the game.

by (160 points)
Thanks so much, sorry I am still learning to use the editor
by (28.0k points)
No worries, we lack from tutorials on that side so that's allright asking :)