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in Script help by (530 points)
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Is it possible to make it so the sabr shader only affects the map and not the dialogue and portrait? The portrait is made through the use of the battle portrait function

This is the code I'm using

Shader.register(:sc_sabr, 'graphics/shaders/sc_sabr.txt')

Graphics.on_start do

  shader = Shader.create(:sc_sabr)

  Graphics.shader = shader

  shader.set_float_uniform("rubyTextureSize", [Graphics.width, Graphics.height])


closed with the note: Solved

1 Answer

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by (28.0k points)
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Best answer

Instead of using sc_sabr you can use this script:

Hooks.register(Spriteset_Map, :initialize, 'Water Shader Initialize') do

  @viewport1.shader = Shader.create(:vp_sabr)

  @viewport1.shader.set_float_uniform('rubyTextureSize', [@viewport1.rect.width, @viewport1.rect.height])


Shader.register(:vp_sabr, 'graphics/shaders/sabr.txt', tone_process: false, color_process: false)

by (530 points)
Thanks. It works/