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in Crash by (530 points)
edited by

In the compiled game, the title screen plays perfectly. However, if I were to watch the credit or press F12 to reload the screen, the game crashes. 

Here's a video demonstrating what I mean.

The title is a GIF file though.

2 Answers

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by (28.0k points)
It could be the issue that "the title" is a gif. Could you just try quickly if it also happens in uncompiled version of the game?
by (530 points)
No, it doesn't happen with the uncompiled version.
by (530 points)
It's also happening in another segment of the game where there's a gif picture.
by (28.0k points)
Ok I'll investigate how to fix this issue :)
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by (28.0k points)
And you check if that change fixes the issue?

I don't have gif on my side so it's hard to test...
by (530 points)
Another work around is just placing the gif image in the compiled folder afterwards.