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in Bug by (550 points)
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When I pick an item from the ground, the text box says I got No item. The console says the inerpreter is deprecated.
closed with the note: Solved

2 Answers

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by (17.1k points)
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Best answer
Hello! Does this topic still needs an answer? If yes, please answer to this comment. If not, I'll automatically close it on 11/1/21 9pm.
by (550 points)
Hi! It doesn't anymore. I was able to update psdk yesterday and the problem got solved. Thank you very much!
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by (14.8k points)

You have to update your item database symbols with the command in the faq channel.

by (550 points)
Oh, I forgot to say I alredy tried that and nothing got fixed. I was told to do it on the forum.
by (28.0k points)
The problem is that we don't know what's the class or the data of the item in question, maybe it hasn't been compiled at all.
Writing GameData::Item[1609] in the console let us know what's its class, writing GameData::Item[1609].db_symbol in the console let us know what's its db_symbol (if it is __undef__ it will never be pickable on the ground).
by (550 points)
Yes, I get "none" from writing that on the console.
by (28.0k points)
Ok that's not supposed to happen.
Try running the following commands (with new launcher):
psdk --util=compile_text
psdk --util=update_db_symbol

And then remove the Data/PSDK/ItemData.25 (all of the .25 one)
by (550 points)
I tried this but now the game closes immediately. Should I update to the last version? I'm using v25, but I can't update yet.
by (28.0k points)
Wait you used the new launcher without updating to the last version?
Make sure your game is on .25.5 and then run those commands.
They're not supposed to open any window btw.