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in Crash by (520 points)
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Was editing 'ItemData.25.rxdata' (I'm aware under normal circumstances this file isn't the one to edit but a script I commissioned made it so I have no choice but to edit that file) and when trying to restore the changes, I got an error. I had initially done a test by editing 3 items and it worked so not sure if a specific item I changed is what gave me the error.

closed with the note: work around found

1 Answer

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by (520 points)
This problem can be disregarded. I added/changed items 1 by 1 and found that it was only db_symbol: full_heal that was giving the problem. Not sure why it won't work when I change it (from a StatusHealItem to a ConstantHealItem) since other items of the same category don't give me the problem when changing the category.