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0 like 0 dislike
in Bug by (510 points)
The move Yawn straight up does not work. Used multiple times by enemy Pokemon and does not show any failed message, or any text box at all. It simply skips the turn

2 Answers

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by (17.1k points)
That's weird, I pretty sure Yawn is on the list of moves that are programmed. We'll check on your end.
0 like 0 dislike
by (14.8k points)

Yawn is working perfectly on my version.

  • Check if PSDK is updated (25.10)
  • Check if your db_symbol for yawn is :yawn
  • Check if your database method for yawn is :s_yawn
by (510 points)
Sorry, was waiting for cam's stream to be done!

Here's the moment it happens
by (510 points)
But yeah, I will try this on a more recent version of PSDK