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in Script help by (550 points)
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Hello! I'm on my way to customize my game and I want a custom title screen where some sprites slide from the border of the screen to some positions, like the "play" and "credits" buttons do. The problem comes when the new images I want to put don't appear in the screen. May it be a depth related problem? In that case, how can I solve it? Here's the script:

module UI

  # UI component showing the controls of the title screen (Play / Credits)

  class TitleControls < SpriteStack

    # Get the index of the selection

    # @return [Integer]

    attr_reader :index

    # Get the play bg button

    # @return [Sprite]

    attr_reader :play_bg

    # Get the credit bg button

    # @return [Sprite]

    attr_reader :credit_bg

    def initialize(viewport)

      super(viewport, 0, 240, default_cache: :title)


      self.index = 0

      @wait_duration = Configs.scene_title_config.control_wait || 0.5



    # Set the index of the selection

    # @param index [Integer]

    def index=(index)

      @index = index

      @play_bg.visible = index == 0

      @credit_bg.visible = index == 1


    # Update the animation

    def update




    # Tell if the controls are done transitionning

    # @return [Boolean]

    def done?




    # Create all the necessary sprites for the title controls

    def create_sprites









    # Function that creates the button shader

    def create_button_shader

      @shader = Shader.create(:title_button)

      @shader_time_update = proc { |t| @shader.set_float_uniform('t', t) }


    def create_play_bg

      @play_bg = add_sprite(214, 168, 'shader_bg')

      @play_bg.ox = @play_bg.width / 2

      @play_bg.shader = @shader


    def create_credits_bg

      @credit_bg = add_sprite(214, 192, 'shader_bg')

      @credit_bg.ox = @credit_bg.width / 2

      @credit_bg.shader = @shader


    def create_play_text

      @font_id = 20

      add_text(214, 170, 0, 24, text_get(32, 77).capitalize, 1, 1, color: 9)


    def create_credit_text

      @font_id = 20

      add_text(214, 194, 0, 24, 'Credits', 1, 1, color: 9)


    # Create the animation

    def create_animation

  @animation = Yuki::Animation.move(2, @title_sprite, 0, 0, 0, 0)

      @animation = Yuki::Animation.wait(@wait_duration)

      @animation.play_before(Yuki::Animation.move_discreet(0.5, self, 0, 240, 0, 0))

      @animation.play_before(Yuki::Animation.send_command_to(self, :create_loop_animation))



# Animación del título

    def create_title_animation

  @title_animation = Yuki::Animation.move_discreet(1, @title_sprite, 0, 0, 0, 240)


    # Create the loop animation

    def create_loop_animation

      @animation =

      wait = Yuki::Animation.wait(2)

      shader_animation =, @shader_time_update, :call, 0, 1)





def create_title_sprite

      @title_sprite = add_sprite(0, 290, 'Titulo')


def create_star_sprite

      @star_sprite = add_sprite(428, 0, 'Estrella')




Graphics.on_start do

  Shader.register(:title_button, 'graphics/shaders/title_button.frag')


PS: I only tried to animate the title_sprite object for now on purpose.

1 Answer

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by (28.0k points)
You have created a new animation but you made 3 mistakes causing this animation to not work at all:
1. You saved it inside the same instance variable as the other animation
2. You did not call the start function on it
3. You did not call the update function (@animation.update but with the other instance variable, eg. @animation2.update).

Btw, I suggest that you avoid copying the whole script when you make modifications, just keep the part you have changed, it helps reviewing your changes so we know what's the problem ;)
by (550 points)
Hi, thanks for helping. I tried it but nothing happens. Before sending the script again, how can I make it shorter without having any errors?
by (28.0k points)
I would say something like this (not tested):

module UI
  class TitleControls < SpriteStack
    alias psdk_initialize initialize
    def initialize(viewport)
    alias psdk_update update
    # Update the animation
    def update
    # Tell if the controls are done transitionning
    # @return [Boolean]
    def done?
      @animation.done? && @title_animation.done?
    alias psdk_create_sprites create_sprites
    # Create all the necessary sprites for the title controls
    def create_sprites
    # Animación del título
    def create_title_animation
      @title_animation = Yuki::Animation.move_discreet(1, @title_sprite, 0, 0, 0, 240)
    def create_title_sprite
      @title_sprite = add_sprite(0, 290, 'Titulo')
    def create_star_sprite
      @star_sprite = add_sprite(428, 0, 'Estrella')
by (550 points)
Hey again! I picked that code and made a few changes to complete the animation I wanted. It works fine! Thank you very much. Do you recommend me any guide I can follow in order to learn Ruby? I'd like to understand it so I can code myself.
by (28.0k points)
I can suggest you few things:

The hacker rank thing, I did it, it's quite nice because it really help thanks to exercices.

Otherwise, you can also ask some question about things and we can probably explain you what's going on or what thing means :)