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in Bug by (140 points)
closed by

Line 135 - 143

 def update_counters

        @autotiles.each_with_index do |autotile, index|

          next unless autotile

          next if autotile.height <= 32

          frame_count = autotile.height / 32

          @autotile_counter[index + 1] = (@autotile_counter[index + 1] + 1) % frame_count



closed with the note: Locked : The user hasn't answered since last response. Contact Rey on Discord if the topic should be opened again.

2 Answers

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by (28.0k points)
It looks like the game could not load one PNG file properly but this case is not supposed to happen, you should never receive the PNG data of a file. Did you modify the RPG::Cache script?
by (140 points)
No, I have not modified said script.
by (28.0k points)
Can you check if all the autotiles of the map are properly assigned?
0 like 0 dislike
by (17.1k points)
Hello! Does this question still need help? If yes, please reply to this message before 11/1/21 9pm. I'll close this topic by this time.