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in Bug by (550 points)

I was testing fishing in my game and getting pokémon to bite was getting difficult. I tried many times and nothing happened, so I tried altering fishing chances to 100% for my rod. Still nothing, as it just tells me they don't bite or to try again. I'll leave here links to my wild groups setup in case I'm missing something. Btw, I'm on the last version.

Here's my wild groups setup: Image on Google Drive

1 Answer

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by (28.0k points)
So fishing with the super rod did not work very well? (no catch or few catches)
by (550 points)
Hahahaha no, I mean literally nothing appears. Not a single pokémon. I tried other rods, same problem too.  As I said, I tried changing the chances manually to 100% and still nothing.
I noticed it sometimes exits fishing state without even telling me to try again. May it be a problem with wild battle processing?
by (28.0k points)
Probably, we need to test that. Since v26 will get released with studio, we should wait a bit. Setup will be better in studio and we'll be on a common ground :)
by (550 points)
No problem, that's fine as it's one of the last things to put on the beta. Thank you!