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in Bug by (28.0k points)
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From Majora:

when i add a new ability, it seems abilities i added previously get removed or replaced in some way. not only that, when i create an ability, it creates an additional, identical copy in the ability list for some strange reason. for example;

Solar Energy

In sunlight, this Pokémon heals 1/16th of its max HP every turn, and its Special Attack is raised by one stage.

Identifier: solar_energy

i add this ability, and it creates two identical versions. i ignore this, as deleting the duplicate doesnt seem to affect anything, and proceed to add it to mega venusaur. i then go back and add this ability:

Boiling Blood

Upon using a fire type move, this Pokémon's attacks will ignore protection.

Identifier: boiling_blood

and go to add it to mega charizard. finally, i add this last ability:

Artillery Battery

This Pokémon's pulse, cannon, and ballistic moves have their power multiplied by 1.5x.

Identifier: artillery_battery

and give it to mega blastoise. when i go back to check the other two's abilities, they no longer exist, and the message "ability deleted" appears instead. checking the list of abilities reveals they were indeed deleted, and i have no idea why. an additional quirk i found was that abilities would take on the identifiers of others, for example, artillery battery would have the identifier solar_energy, and not artillery_battery. none of these bugs happen with moves, or anything else, only abilities. am i doing something wrong, or is this a bug? thanks for the help! :>
closed with the note: Fixed on the next update

1 Answer

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by (14.8k points)
Fixed on the next update!