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in Bug by (150 points)
The git method doesn't work because the linux version of pokemon studio can't import. I tried running it through rpgmaker xp (with the fixed game.exe) I even tried modifying the git fix for it. nothing I tried has worked.

1 Answer

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by (28.0k points)
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Best answer
Have you tried this:
You don't need to do the git shit with studio but the 7z file might help you.

We need to work into making Studio run PSDK games on linux but for now we did not invest time because we have no clue how much people are actually using Linux with PSDK.
by (150 points)
I have tried that.
by (150 points)
It has trouble with line 10 in Game.rb which wants a file that is not there. /scripts/ScriptLoad.rb
by (28.0k points)
Indeed, it expects to have pokemonsdk in your project root. Clone that:
by (150 points)
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now it functions now.